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Our location advisors will guide you through every step of the site selection process while helping you to secure a great deal and maximize your returns.


Site Selection Analytics Services

The process starts with site selection analytics. Our team of experts will conduct thorough research that will focus on your existing locations and all the characteristics that make them successful. After that, they will use these criteria to identify other available sites that you might be interested in. Throughout this stage, you will have access to our interactive platform, where you can review and score our suggestions, see local market reports, and all other stats that could impact your decision.

Site selection analytics is an ideal solution for your business if:

  • You want to expand to other markets and need someone who is familiar with the local real estate to help you find the perfect location.
  • Your company already has a real estate team, but they need access to relevant information in order to make a sound decision.
  • You want to conduct extensive research of potential locations to ensure that you don’t overspend on real estate.
  • Some of your existing locations are performing poorly and you want to make sure that the next location you expand to will be a reliable performer.

Site Identification Services

Our team can help you with site identification, too. We will conduct in-person research to help you find a location that best fits your business. Throughout the process, our site location experts will focus on the visibility of the location, its accessibility, as well as its capacity to meet the needs of your organization.

Site identification services may be a good fit for your company if:

  • You want to purchase real estate and no one on your staff is equipped to oversee the process.
  • You already have a real estate team, but they’re too busy with other projects to check the potential locations in person.
  • You have already conducted site selection analytics and want someone with real estate know-how to inspect potential sites.

Site Negotiation Services

Once you have settled on the location, you need to negotiate the details of the purchase with the seller. That is another aspect of the site selection process our team can help you with. We will work hard to secure the best financial deal for your business. If there are any economic incentives available, we will prepare all the paperwork and make sure that you meet the eligibility requirements.

Site negotiation services are an excellent fit for your company if:

  • The location you selected involves complex incentives and negotiations, and you need someone highly skilled to represent you.
  • You are expanding to a foreign market and need someone to help you negotiate the deal with the seller and local authorities.
  • You have completed the previous two steps of the site selection process and want someone to close the deal.